Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The invitation

I don’t understand not treating someone the way you want to be treated
I don’t understand the lack of compassion and love
I don’t understand hating someone so much
You wish harm or death upon them
I don’t understand why it continues this way
For some people
I do understand maturity
I do understand letting go
Of illusions we were conditioned to believe 
Of truths that were really a perversion of reality
I do understand evolution
And all other spiritual
And scientific
But we keep saying all this
In an effort to plant seeds in some 
And wake others up
Through word and action we invite
The door is always open
The journey can be as easy as you make it
But always rewarding
In the end
Wake up to love and accept the invitation 
All your friends are here 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

What he said to me

He said he likes the way my mouth curls when I’m pleasantly in thought 
The way the embers in my eyes come back
Yet harbor a distant glow
There isn’t much to redirect
Sometimes I go down rabbit holes
But it’s all the same to him
He wouldn’t be here otherwise

Monday, September 28, 2020


We grieve for those who do not understand

We grieve for their potential

We see the sadness

The vacancy

The suffering in their eyes

As they walk the path of ego

Dare we step into the light for them

And show them what we’ve learned

Can we be the teaching in a way they accept

As truth

Through form

We grieve for those who’ve laid to rest

Before they’ve woken up

The very same who told us to fight

Have all but given up

Our grieving can be felt

And reciprocated 

Thrice the world over

We want the rest to come along

We have no need for soldiers

For we are truth 

And truth is we

Not to be denied

Hand in hand

Arm in arm

No longer will we hide 

Sunday, August 2, 2020


I’ve seen the beauty
And the ugliness
Of humanity
I’ve wandered away from myself
I allowed myself to get lost in the vast expanse
Of illusion 
What I thought 
Didn’t matter
What I did
Wasn’t good enough
Who I was
Who was I
I’m getting back to that
Back to the real me 
My true Self
The detour was needed
But I prefer peace

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

What we’re told

We don’t try to rehabilitate
We don’t try to educate
We don’t try to do better
We just do what we’re told will make us successful
We just do what we’re told

Friday, June 19, 2020

Life student

I am a life student
Learning excites me
I only get bored if I have to repeat something I already know
But then
I learn more

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Still work to be done

I was born at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic
Trans folk were vilified
You could smoke in malls
I grew up in the during the birth of the internet
Pedro opened a whole lot of people’s eyes
So did Rodney King 
I’m living in the 21st century and we still don’t have 
Flying cars
Or a council of elders
Or world peace
Things we were promised
Things we worked so hard for
Forced to endure the oppression 
And erasure
From one specific group
The gold standard for all of us
Every nation has one
The perceived superiors 
And every nation has those of us
Who will work against the self made personalities
Of destruction
For equality
For love
We cannot be erased 
There are more of us than there are of them

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I know that I know nothing
So teach me
Educate me 
Help me transcend my beliefs 
Beliefs I’ve held onto
For far to long
Help me understand that it’s okay to let go
To wake up
To rise above fear
Save space for me when I feel like I’m losing mind
Set me free if you evolve faster
I’ll catch up

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

State of the union

And now it’s here
The time we’ve waited months for
Warm summer nights
Where we can sleep naked 
With the windows open
The world smells alive again
The sun kisses our skin until it blushes
And for a moment
We forgot what snow was
Did we have an early spring this year
Was the groundhog right
All anyone seems to know right now is 

Sunday, February 23, 2020

I am not

I am not center, left, or right
I am not he or she
I am not then or soon
I am not maybe
I am not fear or hate
I am not judgement
I am not all knowing
I am not complex
I am not intimidated 
I am not religious
I am not rules and regulations
I am not less than
I am not not whole

Saturday, January 25, 2020


I’m fortunate to know life before the internet
Where words like vintage, retro, and classic have sentiment
I’m fortunate to know life after its creation
Where new school becomes old school
There’s so much inspiration
I’m fortunate the wars I’ve seen aren’t like the past
Even though I’m pretty sure I still grew up to fast
Our fear of one another ain’t as strong as it once was
More of us can be ourselves and encourage everyone
With one foot in the matrix and the other on the earth
I open my arms wide to accept the universe
I’m fortunate to know life in all the ways I do
This bond of oneness then increases between me and you

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Intravenous expressions

Intravenous expressions of you
Plague me to my core
What reminds me to
Is my
To let things evolve
But I keep wondering
Are you seeing 
Are we ready for this
For this
I run my fingers through my hair which I wish was yours
I allow myself to be encapsulated
Do I
By your iridescent eyes
All I really wish to have one day is the strength to say
To you
Love you

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Does it make you happy that I’m not around
That I just faded into the abyss
Do you even notice I’m gone
Left you to it while I tried
Kept trying
Then tried some more
Do you think I’m foolish for trying
For loving you
I accept my insecurities 
And work to better myself
What about you
Where are you
Still in the same place
Same space
Same frame of mind
Everyone else has a problem 
And it’s not you
Yet I was there for you
When you needed someone
Your angel
Your light
Yes I understand
Yes that makes sense
I just wanna be friends
I’m not looking for a relationship
Right now
Round and round
Being honest and vulnerable scares you
That’s home to me
I’m not sorry
Not sad
No judgement or regret
I’m grateful you allowed me to love you
For that moment
For what it’s worth