Wednesday, March 8, 2017


I met a boy
(I always meet a boy)
And I filled my head with thoughts of us
Because thoughts of us were all there were 
(Even when there was no us)
There is no us 
(There will never be any us)
But there could've been 
If he was open
But he was closed off
(They're always closed off)
Never wanting to take a chance on love
So here I sit
Deep in thought
Hoping the next time won't be like the last
And I try my best
(I always try)
To start each meeting fresh
But you see this boy
(It's always this boy)
He's always been a part of me
And when we finally reconnect
After lifetimes of separation 
The excitement can't be contained
And I tell myself
(I try to believe)
That this time I won't catch feelings 
But every time I meet a boy
(It's always this particular boy)
I end up right back where I started