Wednesday, January 1, 2014

sing me a story

i will tell you a story
when you're older
of a time when things were simple
and when i tell you this story
when you're older
you may not remember how simple things really were
you see
it's the story you'll hear
when you're older
that you remember as a hidden and dark
cold and soiled time
the words of the story that i will tell you
when you're older
will be transposed 
by your recollections
a half step down
in a completely different clef 
and depending on when you're ready to hear the story i will tell you
when you're older
you may actually read the music in its appropriate form
the song may be able to continue without alterations
for now
i shall continue to read as you continue to write

the chosen ones

dangerous ties of insecurity bind the world in terror
the desire to darken inner light
and destroy every last shred of self compassion
bellow in the acoustic halls of the mind
stop the voices
calm them down
shut them up
make them stop
take this poison and free yourself
you can't
you can't
you can't
as you stand
naked in a field of humiliation
you will most likely do what is asked of you
and you will become
only the chosen ones are able to disrupt the signal
only the chosen ones can fight
only the chosen ones can wake those
still paralyzed by desperation
so know this
when a chosen one comes to you 
and wakes you
go with them
for you are now chosen
and you will fight
and you will choose another to wake
and continue the cycle


surrounded by the splendor of the warmth of the morning sun
evoking passion
the wind passes by with not a care to be had
not drunk off retribution
my mind plays no tricks
my eyes do not deceive
nirvana floats my soul
sensual kisses are to be had
and in my current state of arousal
i welcome them
different notes from the same entity elevate the trance
breathing is steady
and deep
a cool relax overtakes any notions of skepticism
and the mind 
the rhythm of the ritual is conducted without reference
the spirit just knows
after so many lifetimes of practice
harmony is achieved
drink of mysticism and render yourself open to otherworldly possibilities
experience the other side of another side of yourself

subject to change

filling out the silence with screaming in my head
reminders to take out the trash are littered all over the yard
the beginnings i crave are simple to attain
just don't poison the well
i'm not a glutton for punishment because i know my place
i simply indulge in unwashed fantasies of the complications of others
nothing can be fixed because nothing is broken
it just doesn't suit anymore
for all practical purposes there was learning that was accomplished
and a somewhat strange song was heard
i lift myself up to the possibility that the deterrents were merely that
little persecutions and stereotypes with no business buzzing around my temples
see the real desire
grandiose isms are tossed around in defense of purpose
but they are not that miraculous
a shroud of anxiety cloaks righteousness in invisibility
smothers it until the perversion is so unrecognizable from that of its original self
that we are attracted to the possibility
that maybe 
this time